Hello, my name is Eva Willemijn Visser. I am a student of Environmental Anthropology in Holland and I have done my final research and an apprenticeship about Participative Communal Ecotourism in Ecuador. I worked together with the Foundation Ecotrackers. Ecotrackers is an organization which is developing participative communal ecotourism in the different areas of Ecuador. Ecuador has 3 different areas: the coast, the Andes and the Amazonjungle.
I have been in Ecuador for almost seven months. I have visited several projects from Ecotrackers in the jungle (Morona Santiago) on the coast (Esmeraldas) and in the Andes (La Chimba and Quilotoa). All the areas have their own specific culture and nature.
On this website you can find more about my experiences, the possibilities as a volunteer in Ecuador and more information about the different cultures (indigenous and black cultures) and the different projects in which Ecotrackers is involved.
For more information about Ecotrackers and their different projects, go to:
Ecotrackers Network Foundation